Operational Management

It allows you to manage tasks efficiently, controlling their execution and ensuring actionability by validating and tracking each step.

  • Store walk
  • Store tasks
  • Implementation of campaigns

How can we help you?

With Frogmi® you can...
Icono de checklist para asignación de tareas

1. Efficiently assign tasks and activities

Icono de engranaje circular para ejecución operacional

2. Ensure proper execution of operational variables across all your stores

Icono de engranajes conectados para monitoreo de cumplimiento

3. Gain real-time visibility into the status of each store and its compliance level

Some of our use cases

Icono de checklist para asignación de tareas

Store Walk

Icono de engranaje circular para ejecución operacional

Tasks Management

Icono de megáfono para inteligencia operacional

Operational intelligence


With Frogmi®, transform data into strategic actions and redefine operational excellence


Digital Checklist, Process Audits and Store Visits

Forget outdated tools like spreadsheets and paper checklists. With mobile audits, store leaders ensure consistent compliance effortlessly. Area managers can digitally complete audits, assign corrective actions automatically, and share reports instantly. Headquarters benefits from full, real-time visibility and tracks compliance through integrated dashboards.


Send automatic corrective tasks

Automatically create tasks to resolve non-conformities found in stores through the definition of standard workflows. Empower your field staff, reduce resource usage, and improve response times.


Streamline audit report distribution

Set up automatic delivery of audit results in PDF format. Reports will be emailed directly to designated recipients, both within and outside your company​.


Create and assign tactical tasks immediately from the app or web version

Define clear instructions, request photos as evidence, assign responsible parties, and set execution deadlines in just a few clicks.

Stop relying on emails or informal chats without structure or follow-up. With Frogmi, centralize communication, monitor progress, and ensure each task is completed correctly.


Advanced Analysis and Real-Time Dashboards

Get native dashboards that provide real-time results and immediate feedback. With complete KPI tracking and trend analysis, managers can make data-driven decisions, optimize performance, and adjust strategies in real-time to ensure operational efficiency.

Dashboard de Frogmi mostrando métricas de cumplimiento, cobertura y galerías fotográficas de implementación navideña

Other features that our customers highlight

Icono de app móvil con código para aplicación nativa

Native Application. Faster, responsive, and interactive

Icono de imagen con lupa para evidencia fotográfica fechada

Photographic evidence with date/time stamp

Icono de nodos conectados para sincronización offline-online

100% Offline / Online connectivity

Icono de dispositivos múltiples para compatibilidad multiplaforma

IOS, Android, Zebra y Honeywell

Icono de marcador de ubicación para funcionalidad GPS


Icono de gráfico para análisis de datos en tiempo real

Real-time analytics

Icono de imágenes apiladas para galería fotográfica

Image gallery

Other solutions

Requests Management

Ticketing and support system specifically designed for retail needs.

Commercial Execution

Granular product-level control for perfect implementation of commercial strategies.

Document Management

Mobile access to documents, communications, and critical information powered by Al.

Frogmi® is the task management and standards control platform designed to achieve the perfect store.

It facilitates task creation and tracking, guiding towards operational excellence in every aspect of store management. 

    Empleado de supermercado en sección de frutas usando tablet para gestionar tareas operativas con la aplicación Frogm