Requests Management

Helpdesk and Ticketing Platform that consolidates incidents and requests from various areas and clients in one place.

  • Human Resources​
  • Information Technology
  • Maintenance​
  • Customer Service

How do we help you?

With Frogmi®, you can...
Icono de ticket con flecha indicando ingreso

1. Easily submit tickets

Icono de usuario con flecha y símbolo más de asignación automática

2. Automate assignment for resolution

Icono de ticket con flechas circulares y reloj para seguimiento

3. Know ticket status in real-time

Ticketing platform designed for retail field staff

Some of our use cases

Icono de ticket estilizado para sistema de gestión avanzada

Advanced ticketing

Icono de apretón de manos representando soporte colaborativo

Employee support

Icono de burbujas de diálogo para comunicación con clientes

Customer service


Frogmi is the perfect ticketing solution for retail


Workflows that follow your business reality

  • Quick and easy workflow design​
  • Creation of work teams and responsible parties​
  • SLA definition​
  • Auto-escalation​
  • Predefined requirements​
Profesionales de retail usando Frogmi: hombre en laptop y mujer en smartphone, demostrando acceso multiplataforma con mismas funcionalidades en ambos

Flexibility of use: desktop or mobile

Designed for store staff to access from their mobile device with the same capabilities and functionalities as desktop. All in one place. 


Quick access to incident and request reporting

Elevate the use of QR codes.

With a simple scan, gain instant access to the platform to submit requests, specify requirements, and report incidents by completing the necessary fields.


Standardize problems and their solutions

Automatically activate tasks from routine store checklists based on responses.


Designed to simplify communication and optimize processes

" Icono de engranaje con flechas indicando integración de sistemas

Integrations with other platforms

Integrate and automate processes by connecting with internal systems like ERP, CRM, HCM, and SCM through APIs.

Icono de gráfico de barras ascendente en ventana de análisis

Reports and Dashboards

Enhance visibility to track performance, identify trends, and uncover new opportunities.

Icono de portapapeles con lista de verificación de requisitos

Requirement forms

Each task includes specific requirements tailored to the case, ensuring all necessary information is available to resolve the incident efficiently.

Icono de flujo de trabajo con nodos conectados para escalamiento"

Escalation logic

Save valuable time with advanced escalation workflows for effective resolution.

Icono de grupo de usuarios para gestión de permisos y roles

Quick assignment of responsibilities and permissions

Create work teams to define responsibilities, permissions, and access for each store within the platform.

Icono de imagen con lupa para revisión de evidencias

Photographic evidence

Images provide a clearer understanding of reported issues, enabling faster and more precise solutions.

Other solutions

Operational Management

Digitize and optimize processes with intelligent checklists and automated routines that ensure operational excellence.

Commercial Execution

Granular product-level control for perfect implementation of commercial strategies.

Document Management

Mobile access to documents, communications, and critical information powered by Al.

Report issues and requests from a mobile app.

Connect stores with all support areas in one place, ensuring timely and efficient resolution.

    Ejecutiva sonriente usando tablet en oficina moderna, representando la conexión eficiente entre tiendas y áreas de soporte a través de Frogmi